3 min readJun 9, 2024

Gravity Heart

We all tend to remember things and carry it inside our heart more than our Brain.

Brain has the Ability to synchronise images and verbal communication inside it, it’s tend to be more complex and true atleast for it’s visual or hearing senses.

But not more complex than the heart that goes towards it’s own instincts of it’s throbbing emotions.

We know Brain associates with knowledge and Heart with Emotions.

Oh Heart, you beat my Mind some more times

This Uncertain Complexity of Heart not having an image or verbal system makes it Emotionally Conscious, After the Heart loves to live too, not only the Brain.

That’s why Brain’s discussion are more correct than heart’s.

Because Brain thinks and analysis the stuffs by it’s tools, but heart by it’s own will.

I heard this statement somewhere “These mountains you’re carrying inside your heart, are supposed to be climbed”.

The Earth tends to have a lot of Gravity and music for the one who listens to it, ofcourse it makes all the living organisms, secured by it’s holding grip, if no Gravity we might be floating and that-always-floating makes life kinda difficult to live.

The heart tend to have gravity a lot, to much of gravity on the heart of thinking all your emotions might dump you in.

but you know, We always Loved the things that flew away from us, flied in the sky, which was above from us.

We loved the butterfly not only because it’s gorgeous with colours but also the ability for it’s flight.

We loved the big branched Banyan tree not only because of it’s wide branches and shade it emits but also for it’s height, the depth level of it.

We loved the kites because it can fly, we loved the clouds because it can float.

That’s the tendency of human heart, we loved what’s above and what’s far away from us.

But you know, it’s not wrong until you have a clearance in your thoughts.

Whatever that’s on the top, the roots of it all are on the ground, grounded.

The butterfly catches on the ground, the roots of the banyan are inside the soil, the thread of the kite is in your hands, the clouds are the formation of water from Earth.

We might have gravity in our heart from having too many expectations from outside, the force of other’s thoughts might sometimes seems so heavy on you, that made you so buried.

But the seed is buried to grow, do not hesitate to get knowing your flaws and likes.

You're the Chosen One:)

Everyone in the Earth are tend to fly and you’re.

It takes the will to fly, so this Gravity on your heart seems really vital, you can choose your level.

The threads of the kites are what you direct, so you can direct and you need time to know — how to thread your kite to win, take your time, Everyone has their own Emotional and Knowledge point.

It seems really hard, but after all you’re the one, who thinks this way, not all peoples in your position might think this way, some may find solutions, some may withdraw in different acts.

You choose who you’re.

There are some kinds of people who loved the gravity too.

They loved the Marine Ocean, the Sunflowers, the Crawling bugs, The tiny Creepers, the pictures of the glory on the Earth, They are created to be loved.They are the Creators of love in any form…

Sometimes you decide, it’s not always above you, but sometimes within you, with you…

Take Care…

Thanks for reading


"I write to the Few and the Lost Souls" [PC: Pinterest]