3 min read5 days ago

I don’t know that, but I’m Sure about this.

This journal is to help my own unheard pieces of my Heart.

If something is broken I think that will stop being useful,but when the heart gets shattered into different million broken pieces I see all of them musings their own notes.

"May my Notes of the Heart are lighter enough
to float not harder to sink"

My Heart wasn’t one now, different pieces of it needs different things.

I think Life is a process of making our Heart fixed and Calming it to as Whole one.

When the Heart pieces are Chaotic and Notorious, the duty of our Mind is to collect them in a place.

Our Mind does that without our own will, that’s how it trained to function, To Heal Us.

I always find a Way when I converse with my Mind, by finding that, There’s the Will in my Heart.

I think my Mind mostly does that, making the broken glasses of my Heart, fixing it with it’s glue.

There are times in my life I feel like this, no emotions just emptiness.

“Not happy, Not Sad…

Just Concerned.”

Right now I’m sitting under a tree and the breeze is flowing over my head, I can feel my heart beat without a stethoscope and it sounds like some familiar song with my own words.

My Heart never stops talking to me, or am I Hallucinating? If so somehow I find it, pleasant.

Even my Heart needs someone to vent it’s throbbing Beats of Emotions.

Today was tiring and literally Future-looking things.

I’m a person who doesn’t look into future.

I just leisurely live my present, and I don’t care about things.

But as days passes I ought to take a destination of future.

It was really overwhelming sometimes to talk with me, I sometimes stop my words from heart and go to sleep.

I, sometimes fear the future not because it’s blank but because it’s crowded.

I fear but luckily they vanish within some minutes or hours, they don’t cross days.

I seek nothing, but why I've something?

Right now I’m uncertain.

I’ve a lot of thoughts, I asked my Mind and it’s saying the same thing.

Do your Present as like you doing now, don’t focus on Future.”

Future is just the collection of present.

I was thinking about my different today for an hour from now, but I’m alright.

Things like this will come and eventually goes.

I just have to do my present clearly and be confident in doing what I love.

As Steve Jobs said “Do what you love or Love what you do”

Let’s live with this phrase a lot of times and one day when my future comes to meet me,

I’ll be happy that I lived and tried my present in the way I loved to be…

Are you Alright?


"I write to the Few and the Lost Souls" [PC: Pinterest]