3 min read5 days ago

“A Letter to the Depressed”

There were plenty of things you were depressed of, and so I’m.

We’re on the same page, no matter what how many pages you turn, there will this page torn or foxing in the corner as dried daffodil.

I’m a nonchalant person, most of the time.

I exhibit happy aura frequently in my life, because I thought good aura makes you and your surroundings good and I liked the reason, I’m not a casual learner. I’ll ask for the reason, only if it’s applicable to my perspective, I’ll learn it.

You and I were thought like that, we’ve our reasons to be ourself.

You and I are different.

But you know, there’s this apparently feeling we all have commonly despite of our differences.

I’m depressed, even though I was thought it was not an emotion to be longed enough to survive in my heart, I’m depressed.

You might have your professor scolding you for inappropriate reason, you might have colleague that gossips about you, you might score low in the exam that meant a lot to you, you might have lower the expectations of others on you,you might realised your friend is a double faced playing games on you, you might seen your love cheated, you might have parents that don’t support you, you might be a victim of bullying and harassment, you might have realised you’ve tried your hard and still failing, you realise that you’re lost.

And now you don’t know what else to do.

Depression is a result, of situation where the work doesn’t meets your Expectations.

There are parts in my Heart that my Mind can't forget.

You might thought that, but now you get this in my view.

Let me say you this, Depression isn’t tough but it’s difficult.

Yes, Depression is not Tough but Difficult!

You might ask me “Isai, are you going to change my mind?”

Ofcourse I’ll try my best, even I’m depressed let’s get out together.

To be honest for me Depression is a phenomenal thing.

Depression doesn’t stays long in my Life but it visits frequently.

The reason why I heard good suggestions about life is because they are good, it’s doesn’t mean negative things don’t happen, even though negative things happens, by your heard positive thoughts in your mind you’ll able to tackle it.

We need to know how to tackle things than letting it go or heal in an unknown way.

I’m not here saying to take someone as example, I think people can be an inspiration not as example, your life and their life wasn’t the same.

I’m not sure to compare anyone with my life and take them as an example but an Inspiration.

We might probably think Everything, it’s not wrong until it’s doesn’t gives you a full stop of solution than raising consecutive questions.

Dear Self, Thanks for holding my Depressed Heart for so Long.

That was a promise to self that I took, I don’t want to waste my time with no essential importance of questions that will bid no solution.

Solve Today, Tomorrow isn’t a Problem.

It’s vital to develop a confident heart by having your belief.

You should know be calm and composed while choosing a ground so that any game occurred on it, you’ll play by enrooting your belief on it.

Just know, you can’t do anything while you’re in depression, coming out of it will do something better.

It’s okay to feel depressed but don’t stay there, it’s not your home.

Peoples are inspiring, it’s good to know around you and importantly your heart and your inner self.

If you know about yourself you’ll able to do it all the way.

Talk to yourself like you talk to others, kindly and humbly.

You’ll see a friend inside.

This letter is to those who need it, I hope I’ve tried my best.

While writing it, I myself find that I’m found in a good state.

Writing is just self talking in form of words in pages.

Talking to yourself and finding your good friend inside you, needs Courage.

Take Care…


"I write to the Few and the Lost Souls" [PC: Pinterest]