2 min readJun 15, 2024

Watching Eyes

I’ve come across this story and it’s really realistic and realising one, let me share you my perception after this short tale.

There was this Yogi, who called all his disciples and gave them a sapling and told them to plant in a place where no one can see while rooting it.

He gave all his disciples a week of duration to plant them.

After a week the Yogi called his disciples to know the results, all the disciples where in rejoice because they plant it without anybody’s eyes on them.

But there’s this disciple who had a shade of calmness in his eyes, he still had the sapling in his hands, all the other disciples where astounded and belittled the young disciple who doesn’t find a place.

When the Yogi called him up with a calm smile and asked for reason the disciple said “Yogi, I can’t plant the sapling in a place, because there was always eyes watching me, the god’s eyes where always watching me the Yogi smiled and that’s the right answer.

We human do mistake intentionally when people don’t watch us. But it’s not always human who watch us, it’s always the God.

There’s always someone who will be watching you, maybe you don’t watch them, but when the time comes your real self unfolds.

As Leo Tolstoy said “God sees the Truth, but Waits”

God loves to give us one more Chance to rectify our mistake, because it’s him who created us, as a creator of us, he likes to give a chance to see if we change into a good person by feeling a sense of guilty.

You look for me and I see you.

You might feel sorrow sometimes for not getting appreciated or approached for a right reasons, but do good without expectations, because there’s always this energy of this Universe that will give you back at the right time of need.

You don’t have to feel abacken that None appreciates you, Every good day you go through without a glitch is God’s gift to you.

Being Normal is a gift too, being Ordinary is a gift too.

The one who’s abnormal and disabled knows how good to be Unaffected.

There’s these eyes that looks you always and waits for your right time to abide in you.

Take care…


"I write to the Few and the Lost Souls" [PC: Pinterest]