4 min readJun 5, 2024

We Grow as the Seasons

To be Great, takes a lot of Time, The Patience with a Good Plan.

A lot of skills are adopted by passion, obsession and by being disciplined on the task that’s needed to be incorporated.

We grow by years, it takes a lot of time to see changes in our self, we look different from age 5 to 20 than 5 to 7.

Growth comes from a long range of efforts getting together.

Most of the things, the person you see today with her abilities is not someone who had it before practice, the discipline to learn it made all the way.

And by the word discipline it contains many meanings and other related terms.

All our great action needs time in execution, Our body and fate needs to collide to execute it, Moreover the Time, Place, Intelligence matters.

Maybe in life you had tried a various amount of things, some might happen and some may not.

There are things in life you do with passion and one with not, mainly due to outter force.

But remember one who knows to wait with discipline will learn anything.

It all about the will to learn in first sense, the passion is a bonus.

Just like the physical appearance to the mental health.

Being Beautiful is a bonus, not all of it.

It's hard to go forward sometimes, because you only have yourself, just you. But it's easy most of the time because you've you, the only true one.

Sometimes in your life you might have to do something that’s not of your interest or passion, but the will to do will make a way to do.

I had come across various not interested things to do in my life, somethings I avoid and there’s these things I’ve to do.

It’s hard to go forward sometimes, because you only have yourself, just you. But it’s easy most of the time because you’ve you, the only true one.

Do not worry you’re alone, be happy you’ve you. At start you might feel alone but later you know to celebrate your own company. And you attract the Crowd.

Whenever I encountered this situations I remember Steve Jobs quote

Love what you do or Do what you love”

It felt so powerful to me, Alone or In Crowd — I really like it, maybe it summons all the human working mind database in a go.

When you’re growing towards your passion, it’s not easy.

You witness a lot of hard weather and dry climate.

Weather are for sometimes, and climate is longer, most people might withstand the weather as it’s not tough but when they acknowledged the climate they withdraw themselves from the things they loved.

Gautam Buddha realised life outside the spring,by leave his Sophisticated place, Autumn gives you realisation and spring gives you joy. The Joy you get after realisation is Permanent in your Heart.

One thing we all have to understand is, even climate are changeable right? They just stay longer. Lucky for humans atlast someone stays longer.

Most of the people can just stay longer, only few forever.

We don’t want forever all the time, as you say we’re having forever with different person not the same one,

One goes, Another comes.

That’s exactly to your Growth, it can’t stay forever. If you witnessed Autumn, you see Spring.

You’ll feel it.

That’s the law of nature, nothing can stay permanent, even human life is, even this universe is.

I believe in this few proved correct theory.

Just know to live,love the things you do too.

There’s this short tale I come across, when a farmer of his land found less profit, he demands god that god’s weather selection on earth is incorrect, the God gave the power to the farmer to select his desirable weather for his crops growth.

The farmer being in rejoice, selected weather for his choice, he selected rain when the plant seems dry and warmth when the plant seems wet.

The crops grew well, the crops are taller, the neighbouring farmers envious this farmer’s crops.

When the harvest reason arrived, the farmer took the crops and removed it’s husk, but there’s isn’t any sign of rice. All the husk of the farmer doesn’t have rice in it.

But the other farmers had rice inside even though the product was less.

Then the god said “When I give the crops the turmoil, instead of dying they survive in this survival they took the nutrients in stronger amount”

We need turmoil, so we need things, we remember them.

Experience is the Greatest Teacher of all.

Take your time pal, maybe people just around you hurrying up or succeeding.

You’ve to keep in mind, their life and your life are different.

They might started before, their knowledge, Emotional, Intelligence — index are way more different than yours.

There’s nothing to compare your inside with their outside.

You need your time as a seed takes it’s time to grow, maybe all the seeds get equal amount of — water, sunlight ,oxygen, and nutrients.

But if the seeds are different, they will take their own life to grow.

We need to have our time, it takes 6 months for a rice crop to get the rice, when we decrease it’s lifetime, in the process of hybridization.

All it’s nutrition and it’s wealth is lost.

Have your actual time and be knowledgeable enough to know it.

We all know it, what I said is what all know already, But all know the way but only few walks.

I’m a Reminder, maybe you might forget it, I wanna be a reminder to help you grow up. We keep reminder so that we do it now instead of regretting not doing it prior.

Thanks for reading…


"I write to the Few and the Lost Souls" [PC: Pinterest]