2 min readMay 3, 2024


Why “No to love” in young Age?

Falling in love is just a beautiful thing, me being a writer, it’s vital to fall in love.

But Love, is not a word that’s meant to be a person.

It can be with Books, Nature, Poetry, Skies, your passion, Night Moon, Flowers, Stars of constellation and so on.

Being is Love, make us creative, being in Love, forms us refined.

The love we are going to receive should be our tuned.

Yes, we can fall in love with a person, but why not in young age?

I’ve my opinions, if you got yours, please share and let us know.

It can be both a rejection or acceptance.

I’d my friends, a many peoples has been broken up by love of person, overwhelmed by their partner’s exceptions, and overthinking all time of not getting ditched off, trying their best without knowing limits

Young minds are creative and faster, one thing we lack is patience.

I always hear my dad says “ Have heart of a teen and mind of a wise”

Wisdom comes within age, young people are bound to achieve and made to make the nation glow up with our minds, if you focus on life with your passion, surely I believe the universe will give you ideas.

Atlast it’s all a belief, a belief that you choose.

You might see your surroundings get engaged with love, just because they feel happy out, it doesn’t mean what’s going in.

Do not compare your inside, with someone’s outside a quote

A quote I recently fell in love with.

We youngsters, are really capable.

We guys need to have the focus on developing, our self, working out, reading books, journaling your ideas daily, waking up early, eating clean, being in present, helping the needy, helping parents in chorus and knowing to stay wealthy in terms of mind knowledge, heart joy, and money at last.

Learn to choose your belief, just because people are there in their commitment of love, it doesn’t mean you’ve to choose one, grow up, stay strong and finally you’ll have a day, you meet your loved one.

Young minds are essentially for a country’s glory, let’s all be together , grow up.

Thanks for reaching out this piece.




"A Beginner" [PC in my blogs goes to their respective owners, it's not mine)