4 min read6 days ago

You’re the Night Sky

The Sky of the Night is always silent, I always wonder why they were. Until I found out,

“It’s Talkative to the one who listens.”

Atlast the Night Sky deserve a Worthy listener too.

I feel all the colours of the sky, and Noises of the Earth subsides into the Black.

I don’t know friend, may the sunshine allowed you to see the daffodils dance, make you feel the Jasmine’s smell, get to know you about love and care but the silence of Night that inhibits all the objects by it’s Colour gave me realisation, — that even darkness is Lovable, a way of finding what you love just inside you rather outside of you.

The Night sky is Alluring isn’t? I always feel they are whole, Wholesome.

You’re the Night sky, Friend.

"Catch me" said the night
"who?" I asked
"the wish you wished for" said the light of star.

Can you think about yourself? Even though human considered themselves as Selfish, I don’t think they only think about them. I knew a lot of them Saying they are Selfish, but they lied actually they are selfless and good people.

You always make a decision to think only about you in all the time and try to live for yourself from now on and suddenly you feel like you’ve to watch or compare yourself with others so you might go in a track where all are heading.

All emotions are good until it becomes overdosed.

I feel the same, I always wanted to live for myself and suddenly I realise society and the thoughts keep me crowded.

I’ve a lot of hidden thoughts, scars and dilemmatic confessions that I don’t want to reveal, excatly like the Night Sky.

All the hidden thoughts inside me, made me painted in Black and now I became Nights.

Don’t you think the Night sky is livin' for itself? Like it engulfed all the light of the universe and give it’s colour, black? Isn’t the Universe Black, isn’t that’s Dark? I always feel at present when I see the night Sky because it’s living at present.

The only thing that’s bold enough to show cast it’s darkness, it’s depth, and audacity is the Black Sky.

It might hidden the light, yet it wasn’t in flinch to hurry up, instead it reveals saying that “I’m private, so what?” It doesn’t lie it says the truth of being hidden.

But it always says this to me “For those who want to listen my secrets, I’ll reveal”.

There are times in my life I feel torn apart, I feel dry.

There’s a lot of confusion inside my heart and my mind.

I’m forced to live in a society and I’m free spirited to go enough into the green woods and just get disappeared, if so there won’t be any disaster in my Heart.

But all I want to say is, you’ve the Night Sky, whenever you feel low just dust off yourself and see the Night Sky, it’ll reveal it’s secret to those you wanted to listen and surely it’ll give you a solution.

"Speak to me, and I'll speak about me.
Then you know, it's all about you" The Night sky said.

Why you wanted to bear the dark words of someone on you? Just because they don’t know you, they say something like that, you don’t have to feel for it.

You don’t have to take appreciation or insults from the people who don’t know your really capabilities.

I say this because, I feel people are trying to be someone else, trying to hide themselves — just because they think theirself isn’t enough, to be theirself wasn’t enough for others.

Why you want to make sure the Society get enough of you, but not rather yourself? Fun fact : Society will never appreciate your encouragement for them.

You just take off yourself from the ground, give yourself Roses of poetical justification and feel enough, make yourself the priority.

Failures are common right? Just because it’s dark, why you think it’s scary? Do you feel scared by seeing the dark side of sky? Instead isn’t we accepting the sky for it’s own Dark shade, because it’s beautiful. Without darkness how we appreciate the light? Appreciation comes from the finite point of getting birth from Darkness.

You have Failures, and that’s important to have it, so you might know the worth of success and you bounce back to life again and again.

What’s there in living Life just once friend? Let’s live so more many times. Develop the quality to be Resilient.

Don’t fear the Society when you’re doing the Right thing.

You’re the Primary, Society is Secondary, Always, do remember this.

The Night Sky sets for itself and it’s raise, is for it’s own will.

You’re the Night Sky, My Friend.


"I write to the Few and the Lost Souls" [PC: Pinterest]